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At Nestlé we sum up what we offer with a simple phrase: ‘Good Food, Good Life’. We strongly believe that having the tools to help you follow a balanced approach to what you eat and drink helps you to enjoy life for not only you, but your family as well.

Nestlé Portion Plate


Over the last 50 years the size of our meals have increased to a point where it's difficult for people to understand what a healthy portion is. We believe we can play an active role in helping people follow a healthy and balanced diet which led us to introduce the Portion Plate which outlines recommend servings of vegetables, protein and carbohydrates. Since we introduced the plate in 2009 we’ve distributed more than 100,000 to consumers and health care professionals. In 2013, we introduced a Portion Plate for children.

Nutrition training for all employees

In cementing Nestlé as a leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company, we practice what we preach by leading by example and creating a culture of health and nutrition amongst our employees and their families.

We launched an online nutrition training program in 2013 for all our office based employees which teaches nutrition basics and ways to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The online program teaches nutrition basics and ways to improve their lifestyle. For our factory employees who don’t have regular computer access, we launched a series of nutrition posters to be displayed on site.

13627-nestle-csv-redevelopment-icon_nqtraining_600x600.jpg 2014 Oceania Target
100% of employees to complete NQ training.

Spreading the word

Improving health through nutrition requires expertise, awareness and relevant information. We held two events during the year where we invited Australia’s leading nutritionists to come to our ‘Open Doors’ events at our head office in Sydney and our UNCLE TOBYS factory, on the New South Wales and Victorian border. These events gave us the chance to communicate openly with nutritionists and share the vision behind our initiatives. Based on the positive feedback we will continue these in 2014.

Nestlé Healthy Active Kids is a global program which aims to improve the nutrition and health knowledge and promote physical activity among school-aged children by developing local programs and operating through multi-partnership approaches. In 2013 the program was operating in 68 countries, reaching 6.9 million children.

Healthy Active Kids


In Australia Nestlé has partnered with the Australian Institute of Sports since 2001 to provide curriculum materials to teachers to support them with lesson plans on healthy diet and lifestyle.

Visit the Nestlé Healthy Active Kids website.

Be Healthy Be Active


The New Zealand initiative, Be Healthy Be Active, is aimed at teachers of students in years 7 & 8. These children are aged from 10-13 years which are critical years in forming good lifetime habits of eating well and enjoying being active. The programme is aligned to the New Zealand Curriculum in the areas of health and physical education.

To learn more of the programme visit​​​.