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Nestlé and Uncle Tobys breakfast cereals get the Heart Tick of approval

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Sydney, Australia

44 Nestlé and Uncle Tobys breakfast cereals will have the Heart Foundation Tick of approval in 2011

Sydney, Australia (20 Jan 2011): Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW SA), a global joint
venture of Nestlé SA and General Mills Inc, announced today that in an unprecedented achievement for the category in Australia, 44 out of 46 Nestlé and Uncle Tobys well loved cereal brands – including Milo, Uncle Tobys Plus, Oats and Cheerios – will carry the Heart Foundation Tick in 2011.

This is the first time that such an extensive range of breakfast cereals has earned the Heart Foundation Tick.

“CPW is delighted that almost all of our cereals have earned the Heart Foundation Tick,”
said Mr Neil Hodding, Regional Director, CPW Oceania. “The process took us five years and it is symbolic of our promise to deliver superior nutrition to Australian families. For example, in 2008 our entire range underwent improvements which resulted in all cereals being made with wholegrain and every one providing a source of fibre.

“This means that today, consumers have healthier breakfast options that don’t sacrifice on
taste,” he said.

“Almost every one of our cereals provides wholegrain, fibre, meets the Food and Health
Dialogue targets for sodium and qualifies for the Heart Foundation Tick. No other cereal
manufacturer in Australia who offers so many cereals can say this.”

Breakfast cereals make an important contribution to Australian nutrient intake. According to research, Australians who eat breakfast cereal with milk (including pre-sweetened cereals) have a significantly greater intake of key nutrients such as fibre, calcium, iron and B vitamins than those who do not i . Furthermore, research also shows that all breakfast cereals provide less than 5.4% of sugar to a child’s total daily sugar intake.
ii Those who eat cereal for breakfast are also more likely to be of a healthy body weight than those don’t. iii

Because of its renovations between 2008 – 2011, CPW estimates that more than 688
tonnes of wholegrain and 150 more tonnes of fibre have gone into the Australian food
supply, and 87 tonnes of sugar, 25 tonnes of saturated fat and two tonnes of sodium have been removed iv.

The two remaining cereals yet to qualify for the Tick, Nesquik and Uncle Toby PLUS Protein Lift, are currently undergoing renovations to meet the Heart Foundation’s strict nutrient criteria.

“We are proud that CPW (Australia) is now carrying the Heart Foundation Tick across
virtually their entire range of cereals. CPW should be congratulated on their commitment to an extensive reformulation programme that provides Australian families with more healthier choices at breakfast time,” said Dr Lyn Roberts, CEO – National, Heart Foundation.

“For more than two decades the Tick has been successfully challenging food companies to produce healthier foods. Now, we are challenging more breakfast brands to match the
commitment of CPW,” Dr Roberts said.

For more information, please contact:
CPW/Nestlé enquires:
Fran Hernon
Corporate Affairs Manager
Nestlé Australia Limited
Direct: (02) 8756 2976
Mobile: 0418 473 861
Email: [email protected]
Heart Foundation media enquires:
Kirsten Andrews
National PR Manager
National Heart Foundation of Australia
Direct: (02) 9219 2468 Mobile: 0413 777 404
Email: [email protected]

Notes to Editors
The following highlights the key changes made to 5 cereal brands since 2008:
‐ Fruity Bites – Increased wholegrain to 50%
‐ Nut Feast – Decreased sodium 21%
‐ Cheerios – Doubled fibre (1.6g) and reduced sodium (145mg) based on 30g serve
‐ Milo – CPW has been improving the recipe over the last 5 years and since 2006, CPW have doubled whole grain and fibre, halved saturated fat and reduced sugar by 12% and reduced sodium by 38%
‐ Milo Duo – halved the saturated fat, increased fibre by 26% and doubled the wholegrain

Heart Foundation Tick criteria for breakfast cereals

i Williams P (2005) Reference: Williams P (2005) Breakfast and the diets of Australian
adults: an analysis of data from the 1995 National Nutrition Survey. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2005 Feb;56(1):65-79
ii ] 2007 National Children’s Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey
iii Iii Albertson AM et al Obes res 9 (supp 3); 183S Albertson AM et al (2001), J Am Coll Nutr, 20: 585
iv Accounting for the renovations on 5 products ‐ Milo cereal, Milo Duo cereal, Fruity Bites, Nut Feast and Cheerios