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Congratulations to the following weekly winners:

Week Name Postcode
1 N Disbrey 4110
2 T Boulter 6525
3 L Carey 3152
4 C Pez 5158
5 C Stewart 3350
6 J Perry 5158
7 C Lummis 3556
8 K Johnston 4226
9 K McBride 3939
10 J Rees 2318
11 P Booker 4211
12 S Tsakalis 3023
13 S Stafford 3137
14 M Donn 4870
15 Z Kauschke 5082
16 P Watters 2444
17 A Briggs 2263
18 A Crowthers 4124
19 F Milchem 2035
20 A Mitchell 3802
21 M McMullen 3500
22 E Dinfelder 3579
23 P Radoll 2353
24 J Harlow 4019
25 M Frain 4152
26 L King 3138
27 J Hiller 3196
28 K Winn 6312