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12 Steps To Healthy Kids

12 steps: Influences that will set kids on a good path to adult health.

We all know that getting kids to eat a balanced diet is important in helping them to be healthy, right?

But did you know that there are other factors that influence whether they grow up fit and strong?

Assistant Professor, Tara Diversi, from Bond University, recently presented as part of Nestlé's symposium at the Dietitian Association of Australia's annual conference. Tara shared research by the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University in New York1 , which suggests 12 influences that will set kids on a good path to adult health.

They are ...

A child ...

  • 1. Has good friends
  • 2. Gets enough sleep
  • 3. Drinks water more often than soft drink or juice
  • 4. Isn't bullied

Food ...

  • 5. Is not used as a reward
  • 6. Is not used as punishment

Parents often ...

  • 7. Prepare meals for their child
  • 8. Prepare meals from scratch for their child
  • 9. Talk to their child about nutrition
  • 10. Play outdoors with their child

Family history ...

  • 11. Parents maintain a healthy body weight
  • 12. Grandparents parents maintained a healthy body weight

If you can help with some of these, the kids in your life might even thank you - one day!

If you would like more information on how to get kids healthy and active download Healthy Active Kids booklet or visit

1Bevelander, Kaipainen, Swain, Dohle, Bongard, Hines & Wansink (PLOS ONE 2014)