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Nestlé Australia chocolates now all sourced from 100% sustainable cocoa

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Nestlé Australia announced today that every chocolate it sells is now independently certified to ensure the cocoa is sourced and produced sustainably on farms with safe working conditions.

More than 3,000 tonnes of UTZ Certified cocoa is now being used to produce iconic favourites such as Kit Kat, Smarties and Club chocolate.

Nestlé is the first major chocolate manufacturer in Australia to source all the cocoa for its retail confectionery business from certified and sustainable farms working with the Nestlé Cocoa Plan.

Nestlé Australia Business Executive Manager Confectionery and Snacks, Martin Brown, said the Nestlé Cocoa Plan is helping farmers to run profitable farms, eliminate the use of child labour and ensure a sustainable supply of cocoa.

“Our work with West African cocoa farmers is helping to address the issues facing the farmers and their communities, while giving Australian consumers the confidence that the cocoa in them has been produced sustainably,” Mr Brown said.

“It’s difficult to guarantee a sustainable supply of cocoa in the quantities we need in the challenging environment that exists in the Côte d’Ivoire.  But the Nestlé Cocoa Plan is starting to make significant progress in these areas which ultimately improves the social and economic conditions of farmers and their families.”

The Nestlé Research and Development Centre in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, a country which supplies Nestlé with the bulk of its cocoa, has been central to the Cocoa Plan, breeding high yield disease resistant plants and working alongside farmers to improve their practices.

R&D Head Dr Serigne Diop, visiting Australia this week, said that almost all cocoa farmers have small landholdings with ageing trees, and as a result, have seen productivity of their farms diminish.

“We believe you cannot have a socially sustainable business if your farmers, your suppliers, are not being paid a fair price and cannot see a future for themselves as farmers,” Dr Diop said.

The Nestlé Cocoa Plan is:

  • Supplying farmers with 12 million higher yielding, disease-resistant cocoa trees to replace ageing unproductive trees by 2019.
  • Training farmers on efficient farming methods and responsible work practices through farmer field schools and field demonstrations. Around 27,000 farmers were trained last year.
  • Paying farmers a premium for sustainably produced cocoa.
  • Working with NGOs and the governments of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana to stamp out forced labour practices in the cocoa industry.
  • Working with the World Cocoa Foundation to build or refurbish 40 schools to improve educational opportunities.

Consumers will be able to choose the sustainable bars by looking for the Nestlé Cocoa Plan and UTZ Certified symbol on-pack.

Nestlé Cocoa Plan

Nestlé’s 10 year Cocoa Plan was launched in 2009 backed by an investment of CHF110 ($AU116 million). The Plan addresses the key issues facing the cocoa industry and Nestlé is working with farmers and partner organisations to build programs that offer long term solutions from an economic, social and environmental perspective.


UTZ Certifed

UTZ Certified is a labeling scheme to promote sustainable farming of coffee, cocoa and tea. The mission of UTZ Certified is to create a world where sustainable farming is the norm; where famers implement good agricultural practices and manage their farms profitably with respect for people and planet, industry invests in and rewards sustainable production and consumers can enjoy and trust the products they buy.

Fair Labor Association

The Fair Labor Association combines the efforts of NGOs, universities and businesses to ensure products are produced fairly and ethically. In 2012 the FLA commissioned a team of 20 local and international experts to conduct an assessment of Nestlé’s cocoa supply chain in Côte d’Ivoire and published a detailed report with recommendations.é-cocoa-supply-chain-ivory-coast

For further information:
Media Inquiries:
Anita Catalano
Media Relations Manager
Nestlé Australia
Ph: (02) 8756 2388
Mobile: 0406 403 397
[email protected]

