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Oh snap! KitKat launches fresh NEW collab with MILO


It’s official, the KitKat team is launching its biggest collaboration ever with the NEW KitKat packed with MILO - an iconic pairing bringing KitKat and MILO together for the ultimate Aussie break.

Set to satisfy all chocolate-lovers, KitKat packed with MILO combines the classic crisp wafer and smooth milk chocolate Australians know and love, with a delicious MILO choc-malt fudge filling. The new range will be available in three mouth-watering formats for your break - block, bar and chunky – each boasting a memorable MILO flavour.  

Nestlé Head of Marketing (Confectionery), Joyce Tan said: “We’re beyond thrilled and proud to announce KitKat’s biggest ever collaboration with KitKat packed with MILO.”

“We know KitKat lovers are passionate about how they eat their KitKat and similarly, MILO fans have unique ways of enjoying their hot or cold MILO. So now, we can’t wait to see how Aussies enjoy their KitKat packed with MILO!

KitKat packed with MILO is available from late July available in three formats: KitKat packed with MILO Block (170g, RRP $5.00), KitKat packed with MILO Bar (45g, RRP $2.00) and KitKat Chunky packed with MILO (47g, RRP $2.00. You can also pre-order now at