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MILO Drinks


MILO has been helping  kids get the nourishing energy they need to succeed since 1935. Just one glass of MILO with trim milk provides children with 50% of their daily calcium needs and provides a good source of iron, vitamin D, vitamin C and vitamins B2, B3, B6 and B12.

Drinking MILO with milk provides kids:

  • Source of Protein
  • Calcium and vitamin D for strong bones and teeth*
  • Iron to help the body unlock and use energy*
  • B Vitamins (B2, B3, B6 & B12) to support effective energy release in the body*
  • Low GI to provide sustained energy to keep you going for longer*

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MILO is a formulated supplementary food that provides a nutritional boost for active kids.

*When MILO and milk is consumed as part of a healthy diet containing a variety of foods.