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Are any Nestlé products Halal?

Are any Nestlé products Halal?

You can view a list of our Halal certified products here. All listed products have been certified by independent, accredited Halal certification bodies and applies to products manufactured for the Australian market.

We’d encourage you to check back every 6 months for an update, as changes to our product range occurs. You may also find our Vegetarian and Vegan lists useful.

Is the gelatine used in Nestlé products Halal?

The gelatine used in our Allen's lollies that are ‘Made in Australia’ (e.g. Snakes Alive, Frogs Alive, Minties, and Red Ripperz) is halal, however, this does not mean that the product has halal certification.

Do your products contain alcohol?

Generally, we do not use alcohol as an ingredient in our products. In some instances, we may add a flavour that has been extracted using alcohol or contains an alcohol base. The alcohol is not a fermentable or drinking alcohol.

Flavours (which are always listed in the ingredients list) are used at low levels and generally have very little retention in the final products, all in line with standard and accepted food manufacturing processes. We do not test for the presence of alcohol in our final products.

If a product isn’t on your Halal Certified List, is it Halal suitable?

We are unable to confirm halal suitability as there are various factors that contribute to a product being suitable and these factors can change at any time. This is why we use halal certification to confirm which products are suitable for a Halal diet.

What is halal?

Halal means ‘permitted’ or ‘lawful’. For food, this means that based on the ingredients, preparation methods, storage, processing and transportation, a halal product may be eaten by people following a halal diet.

Why do you certify some of your products halal?

There are two main reasons a Nestlé product sold in Australia may have halal certification:

  • Most of our products are made in Australia. Certification on these products is generally because some of our business customers, such as airlines, hospitals, clubs and other organisations providing professional food service, require halal food for their customers. For this reason, they require suppliers such as Nestlé to have halal certification as independent confirmation that the food meets this standard. Without halal certification, we are not able to supply to these customers.
  • In a small number of instances, the product is made outside Australia in a factory which supplies to other countries where halal certification is required. Because certification covers an entire factory, the certification at that factory will apply to all products made there, regardless of what country they go to.

Have you changed your products or processes to make them halal?

No. There have been no changes to these products; they were always inherently halal. As well, there is no religious ritual involved in making these products. Certification simply gives customers the confidence of third party review to ensure that the product meets the standard they require.

Why don’t you label your products when they are halal certified?

Halal certification is an administrative requirement of our business customers. We don't use halal certification to promote our products to consumers in Australia, and for this reason we don't include the halal certification logo on our retail packs.

We provide a list of our halal certified products on our website.

Why aren’t all your products certified?

To date we have only sought halal certification for those products which are sold to business customers requiring certification.

Why does a product need to be certified when it doesn't contain meat or alcohol?

Many foods and drinks, particularly those that do not contain meat or alcohol, are by nature compliant with halal criteria. A food is halal not just because of its ingredients, but because of the processes involved in making it.

Some processes which are common in commercial food preparation would mean that a food could not be halal. These include:

  • Using alcohol to clean knives, blades and other equipment
  • Using flavourings and other ingredients based on alcohol derivatives

What organisation do you use to certify your products Halal?

We use various certifying bodies dependant on the country where the product is manufactured. We can assure you that all products on our Halal list have been certified by independent, accredited Halal certification bodies.

Does halal certification add to the cost of the product I buy? Is it charged like a tax?

The fees we pay are negligible, and we don't add this cost on to the recommended retail price. The fee we pay is a flat fee that covers review and certification of the factory, and is not related to the volume of product sold.

Do you do other forms of certification? What about other religious groups?

We make information available for people with a wide range of dietary needs, including those of halal, kosher, allergies, coeliac and other special requirements. In some instances, certification is a tool we use to give independent confirmation of our claims. We do not favour one group of dietary needs over another.

Are Nespresso capsules halal certified?

Nespresso capsules are halal certified. This is because Nespresso capsules are manufactured for global distribution, and halal certification is a requirement of export to some of the countries where Nespresso is sold.

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