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Nestlé publishes 2013 Annual Report

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We have published our 2013 Annual Report (pdf, 5Mb), outlining our performance over the past year and our strategic ambitions for 2014 and beyond.

Nestlé’s CEO Paul Bulcke said the results achieved over the last year reflected both a focus on short-term growth and long-term performance.

“The results in 2013 showed our determination to grow your company profitably and sustainably, allowing us to deliver over time the Nestlé Model of organic growth of 5–6% together with improvements in our trading operating profit margin and earnings per share in constant currencies and in our capital efficiency. Indeed, our average organic growth has been 6.1% over the last ten years, during which time we also consistently improved our operating profit margin,” he said.

The Annual Report contains our Corporate Governance Report (pdf, 3Mb) and our Financial Statements (pdf, 1Mb). It is published alongside the summary report Nestlé in society: Creating Shared Value and meeting our commitments (pdf, 3Mb) and a new document, our Year in Review (pdf, 6Mb).

Read our reports in other languages.