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Nestlé Healthy Kids Programme


Nestlé Global Healthy KidsThe large-scale, and increasing global, health and development burden posed by non-infectious diseases is a concern to Nestlé across all of Oceania. The Nestlé Healthy Kids Global Programme aims to increase both basic knowledge of nutrition and physical exercise in school-aged children through implementing various projects at the local level. By reaching out to children at an age when they are forming attitudes and behaviours, the program aims to develop positive habits early to help maintain a healthy body weight and continue leading healthy lives as they get older.

Nestlé Oceania has been running projects in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands for several years and we intend to expand these to all countries where we operate.

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Healthy Active Kids

Healthy Active Kids is a FREE booklet, helping Australian families have fun being active and staying healthy - learn more here.

Healthy Active Classroom

The Healthy Active Classroom program is a comprehensive state-specific curriculum-based online resource that's designed to inspire a healthy lifestyle in the classroom - learn more here.